Simplify Your Life Week

Well I don’t know who made the first week in August National Simplify Your Life week but I would like to give them a big hug! My whole life is about helping people simplify so here are some tips to

Simply Organized’s perspective on Episode 1 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

If you haven’t yet, you may want to read this post first:

Simply Organized’s perspective on Episode 1 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

The first episode is called “tidying with toddlers” and follows a family of four who

Paper: Keep or Toss?


Are you wondering which papers you should keep and which ones you can get rid of? Here is a guide to help you out:


Keep this paperwork

  • Tax returns – Keep forever
  • Tax return documentation – The IRS

Raising Your Children to Appreciate Their Stuff

There is a wonderful article in the November 2018 issue of Real Simple magazine called “How to Raise a Minimalist”.

I don’t expect most people to be minimalist but there are some great tips on how to get your children

How to make this Holiday Season Great


Deck the halls with loads of stress, fa la la la la….. No wait – let’s try something else this year.

How about Deck the halls with fun and family fa la la la! Here’s a plan to help