Raising Your Children to Appreciate Their Stuff

There is a wonderful article in the November 2018 issue of Real Simple magazine called “How to Raise a Minimalist”.

I don’t expect most people to be minimalist but there are some great tips on how to get your children to appreciate what they have and maintain a healthy relationship to “stuff”.The earlier you start using these tools with your children the better, but it’s never to late to teach them and your family members some new habits.

  1. Gifts – ask your family members and friends to give your children experiences instead of objects. Take them to paint pottery or a favorite park, activity or hobby they enjoy. If you don’t live in the same city, ask them to send a gift card to museum or theme park. Have them send thank you notes every time they receive a gift.
  2. Before any holiday, go through your kids toys, books, games and even clothes to donate any items that they no longer use or doesn’t fit.  Tell your children they can help out another child by donating these items. Better yet, take them to a toy drop off or Foster Cares center with you.
  3. If they already have lots of toys they don’t seem to play with, try putting most of them away in a place they don’t see and limiting them to only a few per month. Swap out a few “new” toys each month and rotate them so they are excited to see them again.
  4. Teach your children to be grateful for every item they get whether it’s a special occasion or just a surprise. If they get something every time you go somewhere, it isn’t special and they learn to expect it instead of appreciating it.

Need some help with your children’s toy room or closets? Call Simply Organized 404-825-2105 or Heather@simplyorganizedyou.com