Simply Organized’s perspective on Episode 3 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

You may want to read this summary first if you haven’t already:

Simply Organized’s perspective on Episode 3 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

Episode 3 is called “Downsizers” and shows a young family of four who have moved from a 4 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom apartment in Los Angeles to follow their dreams. They thought they had gotten rid of a lot when they moved but there was just not enough space for what they did bring and no one could find anything they needed.

The main theme in this episode was the mom/wife was doing everything for her family. She felt it was her responsibility to do it all and she felt like she was failing. Because she was responsible for everything, her kids and husband did not know where anything was or how to do anything.

Marie taught the family her process and the parents made the kids work on their own clothes and items in their room. I know this was hard for the mother to watch and to wait instead of doing it for them. By going through the organizing process together, the whole family learned not only how to do it but where the items belonged so they could help in the future. The husband even learned how to do dishes and laundry.

I’m combining my favorite part of this episode and common theme this time:

The most common thing I see after working with thousands of organizing clients is: The woman in the household feels responsible to do the house work, cleaning, organizing, cooking and everything else.

  1. By showing your family how and where to put their clothes, toys, shoes, etc. you are giving them a valuable life skill they can use. I loved seeing the kids and husband responsible for their own chores and belongings.
  2. It’s never too late to teach kids.
  3. The best time to purge is before you move to a new home.


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