Simply Organized’s perspective on Episode 2 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

You may want to read this summary first if you haven’t already:

Simply Organized’s  perspective on Episode 2 “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”

Episode 2 is called “Empty Nesters” and shows a couple whose adult children have all moved out and they want to maximize their enjoyment of their home. This was a much larger project than episode 1 and took 6 weeks total to complete. They had tons of stuff in every room but their biggest challenges were clothes, baseball cards and Christmas decorations. Like many people, they had three generations of belongings in one home including their adult children’s.

The wife and mother in this episode was very proud that her clothing mountain touched the ceiling. She admitted to using shopping as “retail therapy”. She described it as a diversion and a way to de-stress. Her goal was to turn one of the bedrooms full of her clothes into her office. I was impressed with her motivation and after 9 days, they had dozens of bags of clothes to give away.

The husband and father was not as excited to start this project. He did not see the need for change. His biggest challenge was his baseball card collection he and his children had worked on together for 30+ years. It wasn’t easy but he was able to pair it down significantly.

They worked on the garage and holiday decoration rooms together. This process really helped their relationship. They enjoyed working on this together and had fun going through the boxes and bins of family photos and memorabilia.

My favorite part of episode 2:

  1. Watching them accomplish their goal of a home full of items they cherish
  2. The couple working together

What I wish Marie delved into more:

  1. What did the couple do with their adult children’s belongings?

Common themes from episode 2 I see when working with my organizing clients:

  1. Many of my clients use shopping to fill a void. Some order items off television and the internet and don’t even open the boxes. This is a huge waste of money. If you think you are buying too much: make a list of what you need and stick to it, carry any “uneccessary” item around the store for 10 minutes before buying it or wait to order it in 1 week, give yourself an amount of money you can spend and do not exceed that amount, go do something else like meet a friend or take a walk until the desire to buy wears off.
  2. Most of my clients are women. The men rarely get involved with organizing the home. I wish more families would be part of the process.
  3. 75% of my clients are storing their adult children’s items in their home even if they do not have room. Give your “children” a deadline to pick up their things. Most of the time, they do not want the stuff you are keeping for them.

If you would like my help at any time (even if you do not live in Georgia), please contact me: or 404-825-2105.