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A Simplified Life: How To Achieve Order and Calm So You Can Reclaim Time, Energy and Control
A Simplified Life was written for anyone who has ever felt over whelmed, stressed, chaotic or just plain tired (in other words, just about everyone). Whether you have trouble finding your keys, getting to places on time or have too much stuff and too little time to deal with it, this book will help you.
Book Reviews
Click here for a review of the book by The Berger Bungalow blog.
[br] Professional Organizer Heather Rogers does a superb job of helping the reader understand the costs of being disorganized, what it’s like to get professional help, and how to maintain an organized life that works. She compassionately, supportively, and informatively gives the reader hope that they too can finally get organized.
– Ellen Faye, President, National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO)
The title says it all. Rogers’ book does lead to A Simplified Life. You’ll find yourself in her many stories of disorganization, and your way out of disorganization in her simple, calm, orderly advice.
– Judith Kolberg, Author, Getting Organized in the Era of Endless.
Heather's Journey
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List of contents/ What's in the book?
CHAPTER 1: What Happened?
CHAPTER 2: Cha-Ching
CHAPTER 3: Help Me!
CHAPTER 4: True or False?
CHAPTER 5: The Rainbow Unicorn
CHAPTER 6: Ready, Set, Go
CHAPTER 7: Should It Stay or Should It Go?
CHAPTER 8: Give It Away; Give It Away Now
CHAPTER 9: The Glue
CHAPTER 10: Keep On Keepin' On
CHAPTER 11: How to Achieve the Organizasm
CHAPTER 12: Stick A Fork In Me; I'm Done
The first 2 pages of A Simplified Life
If you’re the person who constantly hears from others that you need to clean up, show up on time, or throw away some of that stuff, or if you consistently lose your keys and cell phone, have counters in your home or office that are covered with mail or papers, or you’re constantly late, you’re probably among the millions of people considered disorganized. Yes, millions, so you’re not alone—not even close.
In my work as a professional organizer, I’ve noticed several common traits of disorganized people. (I should say common traits of most humans instead of “disorganized people” since this includes ninety-five percent of our population). They are usually running late, frazzled, overly tired, never have enough time to finish their tasks, and are embarrassed to ask for help. Sound familiar?
There’s Nothing Wrong with You
If you see yourself in this description, I’m here to let you off the hook. There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s no perfect way to be in life. Everyone has their thing that they need to work on. So if yours is being more organized, you’re in luck. There is an easy fix, and this book will show you how to attain it.
Being disorganized becomes a problem when you see negative patterns appearing in your life. For example, are you always losing track of your stuff: keys, phone, papers, and important contact information? Do you find yourself scrambling around the holidays? Are you always the last one to show up at a party or work function? For you, it may appear more subtly; you notice lots of unread emails, or your voicemail box gets full quickly. Perhaps your purse is in constant disarray, making it impossible to find anything. Are you missing appointments or showing up five to ten minutes late for activities?
Many people describe this feeling as being constantly overwhelmed. You may be very organized at work but can’t seem to get it together at home, or vice versa. Sometimes disorganization shows up as avoidance. Is there one room in your home you hate going into? Perhaps your family dumps all miscellaneous stuff into the home office or basement, so you just keep the door closed. Do you avoid your email inbox because there are hundreds of unanswered emails? Many people turn to social media or television to escape their responsibilities because there are just too many to tackle.
What You’ll Find in This Book
Being organized definitely has its benefits. It’s not about being perfect or having the cleanest house. Being organized is about having control of your time, your energy, your space, and your life. This book will teach you how to get all these precious qualities and treasures back.
As you read, you’ll discover a variety of benefits of being and staying organized. For many people, getting and staying organized is a challenge, and you’ll read about some of the personality types and the lifestyle triggers that can cause disorganization in your life. You’ll also read about some of the blockages to getting organized, the costs of being disorganized, what it’s like to get professional help, and how to maintain an organized life that works for you.
Most everyone—other than your Aunt Sally who everyone calls a “Neat Freak”—has some aspect of disorganization in their lives. (Remember those millions of disorganized people mentioned earlier?) Many don’t know they need help. Some do, but they don’t know what to do about it. Regardless of which group you’re in, you’ll learn some useful information and first (or next) steps to take.
You’ll know you’re ready for help getting organized because you’ve tried everything else and are ready to take the next step. You probably have no idea where to begin, so you never get past the first few minutes of trying. Hiring a professional organizer is one of the surest ways to get the results you want, to learn the critical insights needed to make a newer, more organized lifestyle work for you, and to maintain the organized spaces you’ve invested your time and sweat equity to create.
WSB Interview with Belinda Skelton
Home/Office Organization

Our team of professional organizers will transform your home and office - giving you more space with less stress.
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Packing/Unpacking Service

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Need a Keynote Speaker?

Professional Organizer and Speaker Heather Rogers can share with your group or team the 7 Steps to Living a Simplified Life, or share her secret formula for Simply Fabulous time management.
Simply Awesome Resources

Available Now!
Heather's book "A Simplified Life:
How To Achieve Order and Calm So You Can Reclaim Time, Energy and Control". Heather's book is available here, or get it on Amazon.