Where Should I Start My Organizing Project?





Every day, I get the same question, “where do I start?”. Let’s face it, no one wakes up and thinks, I really want to go through 2 years of paperwork today or I really want to make decisions about what to get rid of. This is why I have always described hiring a professional organizer like hiring a personal trainer. You can do either all by yourself but if accountability and motivation are 50% of the battle, the other 50% is focused time and elbow grease (plus a little experience and skills thrown in).

  1. Start with an ATTAINABLE GOAL – what do you want to accomplish? what do you want the space to look like? what is your deadline? how much time do you have to focus on this project? Write down your answers and schedule time on your calendar.
  2. FOCUS – on one room at a time and one area in that room. Set a timer, put on fun music and turn off distractions.
  3. DO NOT GIVE UP – it did not take 30 minutes for your house to get this way so don’t expect it to get organize quickly. Every project takes times. Give yourself the time to tackle your goals and don’t feel bad or guilty that it is not done that same day or week.
  4. Trust the PROCESS:
    1. Step 1 – get like items together in the space you are working on & purge duplicates (donate) and/or broken items (trash/recycle)
    2. After you have gotten rid of anything you do not want to KEEP, make a home for items that are alike. For example, put all of your pots & pans along with their lids in the same kitchen cabinet or drawer together. 
    3. Every item in your house should have a place where it lives. Every person in your home should know where everything goes so it can all be put away.
    4. Maintenance is key – every day do a quick put away before bed. Every week, purge any extra items that do not fit into their spaces. Every month ask yourself what is not working and tweak your system.
  5. STOP SHOPPING – do not sign up for auto ship programs. Cancel any auto ships you are on. Shop in your own home before buying anything else. Most people have more than they need. Don’t waste money on storage units.
  6. If you need more help, call me 404-825-2105 or e-mail Heather@simplyoragnizedyou.com