To Sell or Not To Sell


So many of my clients want to sell their unwanted items.  Everything from clothes, china, furniture and collectibles is “very valuable” to the people who spent a lot of their hard-earned money on it or received it from a loved one.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but these days nothing is selling for as much as you would hope.  Instead of discouraging you from trying to sell your belongings, I’m going to give you some advice I’ve received from professional re-sellers and estate sale experts: If it’s not worth more than $50, think twice! It will cost you hours of time in posting, screening buyers and or shipping your items.

Here’s some advice if you want to sell or consign:

If your thinking about consigning clothes, plan on getting $2 per piece of clothing no matter what you paid for it and how good condition it’s in. I spent an entire day this week contacting numerous children’s clothing consignment stores. Many of them weren’t taking any new clothes right now and the ones that were required an appointment and only accepted 20 items per day. I found a lovely place called Once Upon a Child who was very easy to work with and bought over 100 items of clothing from my client. We were able to get on average $2 per item.

If your considering a garage sale, have an estate sale instead or neighborhood-wide sale. With a garage sale, you can’t control the weather on the day of your sale or the buyers who come so you may wind up spending lots of time and not making very much money. However, neighborhood- wide sales and estate sales are advertised to a larger group of people so they bring in more buyers and hopefully more money.

If your time is more valuable than money, consider donating.

If you would like to hire someone to sell or donate your items for you, see my blog:

Happy selling and or donating!

Call or e-mail me for questions or help: 404-825-2105