Kid’s School & Play Rooms – Organize & Systemize

Having trouble with your children’s spaces? You are not alone! Every parent I talk to is having challenges from focused attention to technology and everything in between. My number 1 recommendation is keep your kids on a set routine (wake up, meals, school, play, bed time) and #2 is get your spaces organized.

When your kids are ready to learn, it’s important they have a designated space with their stuff easy to find. It can be as simple as a rolling cart, bin or small table but each child should have their own items in their area each day.

The photos you see above are a space I recently helped a client with. They needed one space for their craft supplies, one for schoolwork supplies and the other half of the room holds their toys.

My client thought we would need to buy drawer units, more shelving and more bins but once we sorted everything and used what she already had, we did not have to purchase anything.


  1. REUSE/RECYCLE: My favorite “recycled” piece was to use the old entertainment center/ armoire for the craft supplies. They fit perfectly and she can close the doors when company comes over.
  2. CLEAR BINS: Put items in clear bins so kids can see exactly what is inside. This makes putting items away much easier.
  3. SORT LIKE w/ LIKE: Each type of item gets it’s own bin. Every family member knows where the items live. Legos got their own section, dolls, accessories, clothes, etc. got their own section
  4. PURGE & ORGANIZE 1st: Do not buy anything until after you are done purging, and you know what items you are keeping. That way you can determine the storage and space you need. You may not have to spend a penny.