Time to Change The Closets – Fall Edition



It is October in Georgia and despite our usual Indian Summer, it’s time to get out some long-sleeve shirts and those cute boots you’ve missed. Fall is my favorite time of year! Everything feels crisp and clean and like a new beginning. I love to get out my Fall and Winter clothes (it’s like Christmas). Unless you have a closet and dresser large enough to fit a whole year’s wardrobe, it’s time to change your closets!

Hopefully, you have all of your out-of-season clothes bagged or boxed up and labeled so they are easy to find and don’t have to be re-washed. If you don’t, that’s your tip for what to do with the Spring and Summer clothes you are about to go through and put away.

Step 1: Go through your hanging clothes and dresser and decide if they all need to be stored for the Winter or if you can part with some shorts and t-shirts that don’t fit, have holes or you have not worn them all year. It’s a good idea to keep a few warmer weather items out in case of warmer days (you can always layer).

Step 2: Bag up the items you will not wear again to take for donation.

Step 3: If you really think something may fit next year (but did not this year) put it in it’s own box and label it by the size and year for storage.

Step 4: All clothing you will definitely wear again in the Spring goes in a water and dust proof (plastic) bin or box labeled “Spring 2024″. If you are tight on storage space, try Space Bags or under bed bags or bins and store them under your bed or in the top of your closet.

Step 5: Get out your Fall/Winter clothes. Make sure they fit, are clean and you want to wear each item (if in doubt – DONATE).

Step 6: Hang all of your clothes in your closet sorted by type and color or folded in your dresser by type and color (all jeans together, all sweaters, work clothes, etc.)

Step 7: Shoes – if you have limited space for shoes, put away the open-toed pairs and flip flops to make space for your boots and winter shoes. You can always hang a shoe holder on the back of the closet door for more space.

Step 8: Enjoy the next 6 months of cool weather!

If you want help with your closet or any other area of your home, contact us: Heather@simplyorganizedyou.com or 404-825-2105