Get Your Taxes Done Today and Sleep Better Tonight!



Every year I write a blog about doing your taxes. Last year I focused on charitable donations: This year I want to try to minimize the stress associated with doing your taxes.

Many people do their own taxes on Turbo Tax or another software program, some go to a service like H&R Block or hire a different CPA firm or private accountant. No matter which method you prefer to get your taxes filed, my motto is just get started – now. Procrastination adds so much stress that is unnecessary. Figure out why you are putting it off and change the behavior.

I’m not sure anyone thinks doing taxes is fun, but if you are putting them off for any other reason, I may be able to help you out.

1. Are you delaying your tax filing because you don’t feel like you know what you are doing? Hire a professional. The cost is minimal compared to the amount of time and stress you will save.

2. Is your paper work a mess? Take 1 hour and get it all together in one place, then hire an accountant. If you can’t face it, hire me or another organizer to get your paper work together for you.

3. Are you unaware of what is needed to file your taxes this year? Here is a check list for you:

4. Are you afraid you will owe money? Delaying the process of filing your taxes will not help. You will have to pay eventually. If you don’t have the money to pay right now, go ahead and file an extension:

I hope some of that helped you feel better. Doing your taxes does not have to take up a ton of time or cause any stress. Once you commit to doing it, it’s a fairly simple process. Remember there are only two things that are certain in life – death and taxes. You can’t avoid them so you may as well check “DO TAXES” off your list!

Need some help, Call us: Simply Organized 404-825-2105 or send us an e-mail: